Source code for descent.proxops

Proximal operators / mappings

import numpy as np
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from functools import wraps
from scipy.optimize import minimize as scipy_minimize
from scipy.sparse import spdiags
from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve

    from skimage.restoration import denoise_tv_bregman
except ImportError:
    print('Error: scikit-image not found. TVD will not work.')

__all__ = ['nucnorm', 'sparse', 'linsys', 'squared_error', 'identity',
           'lbfgs', 'tvd', 'smooth', 'linear', 'fantope']

class ProximalOperatorBaseClass(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    def __call__(self, x, rho):
        raise NotImplementedError

def proxify(func):
    class ProxOp(ProximalOperatorBaseClass):
        Proximal operator base class


        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            self.args = args
            self.kwargs = kwargs

        def __call__(self, x, rho=1.0):
            Applies the proximal operator

            x : array_like

            rho : float
                (default: 1.0)

            z : array_like

            return func(x, rho, *self.args, **self.kwargs)

    return ProxOp

[docs]@proxify def nucnorm(x, rho, penalty, newshape=None): """ Nuclear norm Parameters ---------- penalty : float nuclear norm penalty hyperparameter newshape : tuple, optional Desired shape of the parameters to apply the nuclear norm to. The given parameters are reshaped to an array with this shape, or not reshaped if the value of newshape is None. (Default: None) """ orig_shape = x.shape if newshape is not None: x = x.reshape(newshape) u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(x, full_matrices=False) sthr = np.maximum(s - (penalty / rho), 0) return np.linalg.multi_dot((u, np.diag(sthr), v)).reshape(orig_shape)
[docs]@proxify def sparse(x, rho, penalty): """ Proximal operator for the l1-norm: soft thresholding Parameters ---------- penalty : float Strength or weight on the l1-norm """ lmbda = penalty / rho return (x - lmbda) * (x >= lmbda) + (x + lmbda) * (x <= -lmbda)
[docs]class linsys(ProximalOperatorBaseClass): def __init__(self, A, b): """ Proximal operator for solving a linear least squares system, Ax = b Parameters ---------- A : array_like Sensing matrix (Ax = b) b : array_like Responses (Ax = b) """ self.P = self.q = self.n = self.q.size def __call__(self, x, rho): return np.linalg.solve(rho * np.eye(self.n) + self.P, rho * x + self.q)
[docs]@proxify def squared_error(x, rho, x_obs): """ Proximal operator for squared error (l2 or Fro. norm) squared_error(x_obs) Parameters ---------- x_obs : array_like Observed array or matrix that you want to stay close to """ return (x + x_obs / rho) / (1. + 1. / rho)
[docs]@proxify def lbfgs(x, rho, f_df, maxiter=20): """ Minimize the proximal operator of a given objective using L-BFGS Parameters ---------- f_df : function Returns the objective and gradient of the function to minimize maxiter : int Maximum number of L-BFGS iterations """ def f_df_augmented(theta): f, df = f_df(theta) obj = f + (rho / 2.) * np.linalg.norm(theta - x) ** 2 grad = df + rho * (theta - x) return obj, grad res = scipy_minimize(f_df_augmented, x, jac=True, method='L-BFGS-B', options={'maxiter': maxiter, 'disp': False}) return res.x
[docs]@proxify def tvd(x, rho, penalty): """ Total variation denoising proximal operator Parameters ---------- penalty : float """ return denoise_tv_bregman(x, rho / penalty)
@proxify def nonneg(x, rho): """Projection onto the non-negative orthant""" return np.maximum(x, 0)
[docs]@proxify def smooth(x, rho, penalty, axis=0, newshape=None): """ Applies a smoothing operator along one dimension currently only accepts a matrix as input Parameters ---------- penalty : float axis : int, optional Axis along which to apply the smoothing (Default: 0) newshape : tuple, optional Desired shape of the parameters to apply the nuclear norm to. The given parameters are reshaped to an array with this shape, or not reshaped if the value of newshape is None. (Default: None) """ orig_shape = x.shape if newshape is not None: x = x.reshape(newshape) # Apply Laplacian smoothing (l2 norm on the parameters multiplied by # the laplacian) n = x.shape[axis] lap_op = spdiags([(2 + rho / penalty) * np.ones(n), -1 * np.ones(n), -1 * np.ones(n)], [0, -1, 1], n, n, format='csc') A = penalty * lap_op b = rho * np.rollaxis(x, axis, 0) return np.rollaxis(spsolve(A, b), axis, 0).reshape(orig_shape)
@proxify def sdcone(x, rho): """Projection onto the semidefinite cone""" U, V = np.linalg.eigh(x) return, 0)).dot(V.T))
[docs]@proxify def linear(x, rho, weights): """Proximal operator for a linear function w^T x""" return x - weights / rho
@proxify def simplex(x, rho): """ Projection onto the probability simplex """ # sort the elements in descending order u = np.flipud(np.sort(x.ravel())) lambdas = (1 - np.cumsum(u)) / (1. + np.arange(u.size)) ix = np.where(u + lambdas > 0)[0].max() return np.maximum(x + lambdas[ix], 0) @proxify def columns(x, rho, proxop): """Applies a proximal operator to the columns of a matrix""" xnext = np.zeros_like(x) for ix in range(x.shape[1]): xnext[:, ix] = proxop(x[:, ix], rho) return xnext
[docs]@proxify def identity(x, rho=None): """Identity operator""" return x
[docs]@proxify def fantope(x, rho, dim, tol=1e-4): """ Projection onto the fantope [1]_ .. [1] Vu, Vincent Q., et al. "Fantope projection and selection: A near-optimal convex relaxation of sparse PCA." Advances in neural information processing systems. 2013. """ U, V = np.linalg.eigh(x) minval, maxval = np.maximum(U.min(), 0), np.maximum(U.max(), 20 * dim) while True: theta = 0.5 * (maxval + minval) thr_eigvals = np.minimum(np.maximum((U - theta), 0), 1) constraint = np.sum(thr_eigvals) if np.abs(constraint - dim) <= tol: break elif constraint < dim: maxval = theta elif constraint > dim: minval = theta else: break return np.linalg.multi_dot((V, np.diag(thr_eigvals), V.T))