Source code for descent.utils

import sys
import numpy as np
from toolz.curried import concat, map, pipe
from toolz.functoolz import is_arity
from toolz import first, second, compose
from collections import OrderedDict
from multipledispatch import dispatch
from functools import wraps
import tableprint as tp

DESTRUCT_DOCSTR = """Deconstructs the input into a 1-D numpy array"""
RESTRUCT_DOCSTR = """Reshapes the input into the type of the second argument"""

__all__ = ['check_grad', 'destruct', 'restruct', 'wrap']

[docs]def wrap(f_df, xref, size=1): """ Memoizes an objective + gradient function, and splits it into two functions that return just the objective and gradient, respectively. Parameters ---------- f_df : function Must be unary (takes a single argument) xref : list, dict, or array_like The form of the parameters size : int, optional Size of the cache (Default=1) """ memoized_f_df = lrucache(lambda x: f_df(restruct(x, xref)), size) objective = compose(first, memoized_f_df) gradient = compose(destruct, second, memoized_f_df) return objective, gradient
def docstring(docstr): """ Decorates a function with the given docstring Parameters ---------- docstr : string """ def decorator(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return func(*args, **kwargs) wrapper.__doc__ = docstr return wrapper return decorator def lrucache(func, size): """ A simple implementation of a least recently used (LRU) cache. Memoizes the recent calls of a computationally intensive function. Parameters ---------- func : function Must be unary (takes a single argument) size : int The size of the cache (number of previous calls to store) """ if size == 0: return func elif size < 0: raise ValueError("size argument must be a positive integer") # this only works for unary functions if not is_arity(1, func): raise ValueError("The function must be unary (take a single argument)") # initialize the cache cache = OrderedDict() def wrapper(x): if not(type(x) is np.ndarray): raise ValueError("Input must be an ndarray") # hash the input, using tostring for small and repr for large arrays if x.size <= 1e4: key = hash(x.tostring()) else: key = hash(repr(x)) # if the key is not in the cache, evalute the function if key not in cache: # clear space if necessary (keeps the most recent keys) if len(cache) >= size: cache.popitem(last=False) # store the new value in the cache cache[key] = func(x) return cache[key] return wrapper
[docs]def check_grad(f_df, xref, stepsize=1e-6, tol=1e-6, width=15, style='round', out=sys.stdout): """ Compares the numerical gradient to the analytic gradient Parameters ---------- f_df : function The analytic objective and gradient function to check x0 : array_like Parameter values to check the gradient at stepsize : float, optional Stepsize for the numerical gradient. Too big and this will poorly estimate the gradient. Too small and you will run into precision issues (default: 1e-6) tol : float, optional Tolerance to use when coloring correct/incorrect gradients (default: 1e-5) width : int, optional Width of the table columns (default: 15) style : string, optional Style of the printed table, see tableprint for a list of styles (default: 'round') """ CORRECT = u'\x1b[32m\N{CHECK MARK}\x1b[0m' INCORRECT = u'\x1b[31m\N{BALLOT X}\x1b[0m' obj, grad = wrap(f_df, xref, size=0) x0 = destruct(xref) df = grad(x0) # header out.write(tp.header(["Numerical", "Analytic", "Error"], width=width, style=style) + "\n") out.flush() # helper function to parse a number def parse_error(number): # colors failure = "\033[91m" passing = "\033[92m" warning = "\033[93m" end = "\033[0m" base = "{}{:0.3e}{}" # correct if error < 0.1 * tol: return base.format(passing, error, end) # warning elif error < tol: return base.format(warning, error, end) # failure else: return base.format(failure, error, end) # check each dimension num_errors = 0 for j in range(x0.size): # take a small step in one dimension dx = np.zeros(x0.size) dx[j] = stepsize # compute the centered difference formula df_approx = (obj(x0 + dx) - obj(x0 - dx)) / (2 * stepsize) df_analytic = df[j] # absolute error abs_error = np.linalg.norm(df_approx - df_analytic) # relative error error = abs_error if np.allclose(abs_error, 0) else abs_error / \ (np.linalg.norm(df_analytic) + np.linalg.norm(df_approx)) num_errors += error >= tol errstr = CORRECT if error < tol else INCORRECT out.write(tp.row([df_approx, df_analytic, parse_error(error) + ' ' + errstr], width=width, style=style) + "\n") out.flush() out.write(tp.bottom(3, width=width, style=style) + "\n") return num_errors
@docstring(DESTRUCT_DOCSTR) @dispatch(int) def destruct(x): return destruct(float(x)) @docstring(DESTRUCT_DOCSTR) @dispatch(float) def destruct(x): return np.array([x]) @docstring(DESTRUCT_DOCSTR) @dispatch(dict) def destruct(x): # take values by sorted keys return destruct([x[k] for k in sorted(x)]) @docstring(DESTRUCT_DOCSTR) @dispatch(tuple) def destruct(x): return destruct(list(x)) @docstring(DESTRUCT_DOCSTR) @dispatch(list) def destruct(x): # unravel each array, c return pipe(x, map(destruct), concat, list, np.array) @docstring(DESTRUCT_DOCSTR) @dispatch(np.ndarray) def destruct(x): return x.ravel() @docstring(RESTRUCT_DOCSTR) @dispatch(np.ndarray, int) def restruct(x, ref): return float(x) @docstring(RESTRUCT_DOCSTR) @dispatch(np.ndarray, float) def restruct(x, ref): return float(x) @docstring(RESTRUCT_DOCSTR) @dispatch(np.ndarray, dict) def restruct(x, ref): idx = 0 newdict = ref.copy() for key in sorted(ref): elem_size = destruct(ref[key]).size newdict[key] = restruct(x[idx:(idx + elem_size)], ref[key]) idx += elem_size return newdict @docstring(RESTRUCT_DOCSTR) @dispatch(np.ndarray, np.ndarray) def restruct(x, ref): return x.reshape(ref.shape) @docstring(RESTRUCT_DOCSTR) @dispatch(np.ndarray, tuple) def restruct(x, ref): return tuple(restruct(x, list(ref))) @docstring(RESTRUCT_DOCSTR) @dispatch(np.ndarray, list) def restruct(x, ref): idx = 0 newlist = [] for elem in ref: elem_size = destruct(elem).size newlist.append(restruct(x[idx:(idx + elem_size)], elem)) idx += elem_size return newlist