

This document is a work in progress, but for now, check out example code:

Gradient-based algorithms

Each of the gradient based algorithms has the following interface. Given a function f_df that computes the objective and gradient of the function you want to minimize:

>>> opt = descent.GradientDescent(theta_init, f_df, 'sgd', {'lr': learning_rate})
>>> opt.run(maxiter=1000)
>>> plt.plot(opt.theta)

Proximal algorithms

Example code for ADMM, for solving a linear system with a sparsity penalty:

>>> opt = descent.Consensus(theta_init)
>>> opt.add('linsys', A, b)
>>> opt.add('sparse', 0.1)
>>> opt.run()
>>> plt.plot(opt.theta)


After calling the run command, the history of objective values is stored on the optimizer object:

>>> opt.run(maxiter=1000)
>>> plt.plot(opt.storage['objective'])


Some other features that might be of interest:

  • memoization (see: descent.utils.wrap)
  • function wrapping (see: descent.utils.destruct and descent.utils.restruct)
  • gradient checking (see: descent.check_grad)


There is a tutorial consisting of jupyter notebooks demoing the features of descent at: github.com/nirum/descent-tutorial.